Maddy Fisher Contributions

 Role in Project  : Scripter

Things I Contributed:

First Person Player Controller :

  • I made my own First person Controller for this project. The player can move around, jump and rotate the player based on where they move the mouse with MouseLook. I made my own controller because it was hard trying to implement code changes into the Unity default FPS controller. It was a lot easier for me just to go in and create my own values so I knew what was going on. 


  • I added 3 power-ups to this Level.  Jump boost gives the player the chance to double jump for a specific amount of time,  Run Boost gives the player a chance to move faster , and  Health Boost gives the player the chance to gain a little extra life. They are on timers so the powers do not stay with the player for more than a set amount of seconds.

Penguin Damage and Player Restart:

  •  So I added the Penguin enemies movement and damage. Each time the player gets too close to a penguin the penguin will take 1/5 of the players health.  The player must get away before they run out of health or they have to restart the level. 

Penguin Movement:

  • The Penguins move on  NavMesh Component. Each Penguin can only walk on the platform they are originally placed on. They do move to one waypoint. I was having trouble with their movement so it doesn't work in the most ideal way. If I would have had more time on this project I definitely would have made the penguins look nicer and move a little better. However they do chase the player when the player goes in their line of sight, so I'm glad the basic functionality works for the prototype.

Get Time Freeze

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